Monday, March 29, 2010

New Beads on Etsy today!

Just when I think I have things figured out, I find out Firefox doesn't like me to load and look at pictures on my blog, so until I fix that problem I go back to IE to try it and voila! It works like a charm. Guess I'll be using both for different things for awhile. In the meantime...

I had a hard time deciding what this spacer color was, other than light brown in this new set I listed this morning on my Etsy shop. The glass color only had a number on it and was one I had in my wall of glass that looked like it would blend well with the pink, like some of the items I have seen for this spring's fashions.

Another one I listed this morning is more animal prints, of which there can never be too many.

Check out my other beads available on Etsy when you have a chance!

'Til later - smiles, Debbi


  1. Nope - never too many animal prints! Your bead sets are gorgeous!

  2. Thank you, I appreciate that. I love your little dogs; I tried once when I first started and had a miserable looking little glob of glass. Not my forte, but yours are so adorable!

  3. totally loving your shop and blog! your bead sets are just beautiful! thank you for being so inspiring! stop by and say hello sometime :) best wishes! juliette
